Monday 21 December 2015

Bluestocking Louge

Next weekend I'll be performing at the wonderful Bluestocking Louge for Lilly Laudanum​, so get your tickets and come and party.

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Samantha Fielding, photoshoot.

Thanks to the wonderful Samantha Fielding for this great shot for her up and coming book PERFROMERTHEBOOK. I really enjoyed working with her and look forward to work with her again some time soon.

Friday 6 November 2015

Burlington Bertie at the Mizz Kimberly show last night!

Had a wonderful time seeing and working with my lovely Mizz Kimberley Clarke and Chi Chi Revolver at the lovely Cecils Club. We had some good laughs and rocked it, thanks so much Ladies for a great night! 


Saturday 31 October 2015

Velvet Burlesque‬ ‪Burlesque Sheffield

Wow, just done two wonderful events for the Velvet Burlesque! A very big thanks to the amazing Lara Gothique you rocked ever part of it lady! Big thanks to every one how was there, I loved every min of it!

Lara Gothique: There are times in this weird and wonderful world where you get to meet a kindred spirit. I fell in love with this beautiful lady the first time I met her, and my admiration and respect only grew further this weekend. 

Saturday 24 October 2015

Delighting the crowds at Ministry of Sound

It was fun being back at the one and only Ministry of Sound, I was welcomed in the most profasional way ever. It was great being back after so many years and I still had a great time entertianing the croweds
and the DJ's where amazing with their sets. All in all it still one of the hot's places in town.

Thursday 15 October 2015

The Double R Club

Benjamin Louche; a candy-coloured character giving her heart to the audience by Vivid Angel. 
Broken Clown by The Vivid Angel
Photo by Juliet Shalam
At the The Double R Club

Saturday 3 October 2015

The MIDNITE Burlesque

What a great Night it was all my new show went down really well and had so many fiends run up, that make me feel very special! Big thanks to Marco 'Charley' Buschman,  Michèl Ageleok, Rosanna. Alex Martin, Silvia, Jo, Romanova Victoria, Monica Oud, Iris Meij, Bart Sluiter , Astrid Noordhof and any one ells I forgot, thanks for a great Night! Love you all!! 

Torture Garden at Electroworks London

New Show " It " by The Vivid Angel hit the stage  hard at TG, it was a spectiacal of neon paint, that reveald Vivid Angel Sex side. The crowed sure enjoyed it and whooped and cheerd durring her show. As always she know to bring the old TG shows back to a new crowed.

Sunday 19 July 2015


LOVE this picture from the charity calendar cover shoot by our official calendar photographer Sin Bozkurt.
Sin works like a mad man getting this calendar ready for us to sell, he truly is the star of the project! Sin gives all his time, for free, and we love him for it.

You can pre-order for 2016 here

Saturday 18 July 2015

Swetspot Burlesque Leed's

Was so nice to come back again to Wetspot in Leeds with the lovely Ryvita von Cheese, had some much fun in the dressing room with Sophia St Villier and Kitty Ribbon. The Crowed as always are great and so much fun, we rocked for two night so don't miss out on the next show's!

Friday 17 July 2015

Meeting Sue Kreitzman

I got to meet her at King's Cross and we briefly got to chat to one and other, then we found  one and other on Facebook. She post this:
Oh dear, I have my period!
I met this woman in the train station on Friday. Her work is so POWERFUL...Let's hear it for the sisterhood! Vivid Angel, I love you! I think that this is incredibly profound and very very funny.

Monday 6 July 2015

Review form This is Cabaret:

The Vivid Angel brings the dark energy! Lucifer has fallen and this act sees a triumphant celebration of all things occult, ending in a surprise twist of lighting, which is nice as it is so unexpected.

Monday 22 June 2015

Gypsy Hotel and Nick Marsh

Wonderful and a little sad it was at gypsy hotel, wonderful to seeing so many lovely faces? But we where missing one Nick Marsh. We love you mate! But good to see my old friend Baawo Bee the Baron, He rock it as he always dose and so nice to hug you again mate! Some Photo of my New Show Broken Clown, at the Gypsy Hotel last Sat. Thanks Karla Da Silva for the photos.

 Show Comment's:
Helen New You were fab!
Gonzo Steele You were wonderful and I love you lots. 
Karla Da Silva I really loved your performance! X

Saturday 20 June 2015

Double R Club

What a brilliant line up at the wonderful Double R Club tonight and it was wonderful seeing most of the other show and they where brilliant. Was nice to meet new faces and the ones that are stage family, thanks Rose Thorne and Benjamin Louche for have me back again! Great Photos of my Show Fallen Angel by Juliet ShalamThanks so much!
Diane Goldie:You were amazing tonight!
Izaskun Gonzalez: Amazing show, loved every min of it.
Sarah-Louise Young You too! I wish I could have seen you perform from the front. 
The side was spectacular! X

Monday 1 June 2015

Last Night for London burlesque festival

What a way too end the London burlesque festival with the hottest acts and performers and a brilliant crowd! Thanks Mark Henderson and Betty D'Lightfor working with me again! I loved every minute of it!