Monday 30 March 2015

Yes It out the Et Alors? Magazine Nr13 and How is on the Cover Girl then! 
They have given me a amazing Interview and 10 page lay out with photos. Thanks so much Fleur and Julian. XXx 

Et Alors? Magazine

Monday 16 March 2015

Supper Club Amsterdam.

Just done a full weeks work for Supper Club Amsterdam, we started with the Door Act and we Let Them Eat Cake and then it was Pins & Tease Show time. The Crowds where teased and existed and Sunday was Art Noir and I even sold the painting again and as always lovely to see every one.
Thanks guys!

Let them Eat Cake!

Pins & Tease Show

Art Noir (before.)

Art Noir (after show.)

Monday 2 March 2015

Torture Garden Edinburgh 2015

What a Great weekend away with Torture Garden to Edinburgh, My Shows where well received by the crowds and I had a fab time on the dance floor. So nice to send time with the Crew and had some lovely food up there. Thanks Edinburgh hope to see you soon!