Tuesday 5 August 2014

My Beloved Crazy White Sean RIP.

 On the 10th of July 2014 around 1:00 in the Morning, Crazy White Sean as left our world. He passed away from Lung Failure. The Medical people tried to revive him, but they where there late help him back to live. 

How was Crazy White Sean...  a Freak Show Legend & Royalty in the Freak show Community, an Entertainer extraordinaire how performed world wide, He also was a Loving Son, Devoted Father to his little Girl, a Great Brother and a Wonderful friend, a Fighter, he knocked a few around , a Lover of woman for sure and a Artist how shown us all Amazing colours of his soul! He would gave us strength where we did not have it our self’s and we all thank you for these gifts' He shared with us. 

How was Sean to me, my best friend, my Partner in Grime and the Love of my life. As I always have said about our love for one and other , it was intense in every way!

I will miss you every day and hope to see you on the other side!!!
Always Loving you, your Vivid Angel.

1 comment:

  1. Sean saved me once. This huge electronic music thing 25 km outside of Amsterdam back in like 2001 or 2. It all went pear shaped when it started raining with no transportation back to the rail. I was wondering around looking for help and out of the corner of my eye, I see pink. He was in the back of this little Vespa truck with a couple of other friends. He had them slow down and scoop me up. They were under some big plastic bags and they all just pulled me in and we all huddled together to stay warm. He was the nicest, smartest and craziest guy I met on my travels. Here's to Sean and all those he touched. R.I.P. bub, you rocked!
